Are Hackathons Just for the Pros? — Tech Stack Playbook LIVE With HackerEarth

Welcome back to the Tech Stack Playbook — your guide to apps, software, and tech (but in a fun way I promise!)

This week, I had an amazing conversation on Instagram LIVE with HackerEarth (@hackerearth​​), one of the leading online virtual hackathon platforms with a 5+ million developer community and an online learning platform assessing 80+ developer skills. Hackathons have played such an important role in my career, helping me learn new skills at a fast rate, see how to build technology up close, and they continue to be a great way to network, level up skills, and make incredible connections. When HackerEarth reached out to me to do an IG LIVE to answer the question "are hackathons just for the pros?" I of course had to take them up on their offer.

Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn in this episode:

  1. What the real purpose of Hackathons is to me.

  2. Why Hackathons aren't about winning (but something bigger).

  3. What are the 3 language you need for a product-focused Hackathon?

  4. What are the 3 language you need for a proof-of-concept Hackathon? 5.) The greatest lessons I've learned from Hackathons so far (including some funny stories)

GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode and access to more biz tech, branding, full stack development, and digital transformation insights from here:

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