Learn Solidity, Web3, and Blockchain Development || 3-HOUR INTRO COURSE
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In this 3 hour course, you will learn from start to finish how to write your very first Solidity smart contract, deploy it to your own local blockchain instance with Truffle, and create a dApp (decentralized application) front-end in ReactJS to interface with your deployed contract and use ETH to run transactions.
You can also go through this full course on the ✨ Tech Stack Playbook ✨ for more resources, modules, and notes: https://techstackplaybook.com/offers/UHUgQLhS
Here are the modules at a glance:
00:00:00 - (1.) Intro to the Course
00:08:43 - (2.) Welcome to Web3 (WAGMI)
00:20:45 - (3.) The Tools We’ll Be Using
00:49:50 - (4.) Intro to our First dApp & Demo of What We’re Building
00:57:23 - (5.) Architect the dApp & Build our Smart Contract in Remix (Solidity 101)
01:14:39 - (6.) ReactJS Setup and Dependencies Installation
01:31:06 - (7.) Build out the front-end (ReactJS 101)
01:50:22 - (8.) Initialize Truffle and Web3
02:22:38 - (9.) Deploy contracts to our local blockchain & (Test for Web3 Instance)
02:56:24 - (10.) The Excitement of Web3 (Conclusion)
There are many steps you can take to get into any field, especially web3, but just remember, you are the greatest asset you will ever have.
You owe it to yourself to invest time into skill-building that can propel you forward! 🚀
Who’s learning web3? 🤩
Let me know below! ⬇️
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