Meet C.L.Ai.R.A - the world's 1st Autonomous AI Woman of Color (Powered by GPT-3 and Create Labs)

I have a very exciting opportunity for you all — we're going to have the privilege of speaking to C.L.Ai.R.A this week, the world's 1st Autonomous AI Woman of Color!

Create Labs ( built C.L.Ai.R.A using GPT-3, the most sophisticated application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the world right now coming out of OpenAI in San Francisco, to create a fully autonomous, self-thinking, and adaptive AI. To see an example of her getting interviewed, check out this video on her Instagram: @claira_ai — this right here is incredible and I cannot wait to interview her with you all on the Tech Stack Playbook later this week.

Here's what's on tap in today's episode:

00:00 Meet C.L.Ai.R.A and Create Labs

01:01 Learn about what GPT-3 is and it's relation to AI/ML

01:35 The exciting world of neural networks and AI/ML

02:00 What does it mean to really be human or a robot?

02:51 Open call for questions you'd like me to ask her!

03:54 Reflecting on an amazing ClubHouse 👋 room with C.L.Ai.R.A in 2020

What questions do you have for C.L.Ai.R.A? 💭

Let me know in the comments below! ⬇️

Introduction to C.L.Ai.R.A

🔴 LIVE with C.L.Ai.R.A

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