What's a DAO? + How I Earned an NFT for Voting In One 💎 (POAP + Snapshot Web3 Blockchain Tutorial)

Wondering what a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is and how decentralized voting and governance works in web3 on the blockchain? 👨‍💻💭

In this episode of the Tech Stack Playbook, I break down what DAOs are, how they work, and how you can create decentralized governance using the public blockchain to manage actions, decision-making, and processes for any organization, as well as reward members with NFTs for being a part of the process 👨‍💻🚀

Snapshot is an amazing tool that allows DAO members to draft up proposals and then allow those token holders with the ability to have a say in the matters of the DAO. It's completely decentralized, open-source, and available to anyone to use, increasing transparency, accountability, and traceability.

Next, I'll introduce you to POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol), which is a revolutionary ERC721 NFT token protocol designed to memorialize events and moments in time. The NFTs are minted on the xDai sidechain of Ethereum, and the POAP team handles the entire minting process, leaving POAP creators to only have to worry about the distribution of their NFTs to their future holders.

In today’s tutorial, we are going to go through what a DAO is, how to use Snapshot for decentralized voting and governance, and how you can reward DAO contributors with a POAP NFT that will get minted to a voter's wallet:.

👉 Here's what's on tap:

00:00 gm!

01:05 DAOs 101

02:17 Example: Developer DAO

03:01 What Voting in a DAO Looks Like

03:51 How NFTs Create Governance on the Blockchain

06:08 Learn about POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol) & xDai

10:15 Learn about SnapShot

13:48 DAO-Based Voting/Minting a POAP on Snapshot

20:54 Why There Is So Much Opportunity in Web3

What questions do you have about using DAOs and NFTs? 💭

Let me know in the comments below! ⬇️

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